Posted on May 10, 2011 by Administrator
As you might have noticed from my videos, my blog posts, my newsletter and my twitter…. It’s Memphis In May this weekend!
And for us, this is the biggest weekend out of the whole year. This is your chance to win WORLD Grand Champion… and just for one weekend, the entire BBQ community all gets together at this one event.
If you have never been, it’s an experience. And even though it’s a lot of work… it’s a hell of a lot of fun too.
This year we have a LIVE interview for Friday. So if you can’t make it out, you can catch an interview.
Grilling with Rich is stopping by The Killer Hogs tent this friday at @1:15PM CST.
You can check it out by visiting http://www.ustream.tv/channel/grilling-with-rich-tv
Malcom Reed
Killer Hogs BBQ Team
Email me at Malcom@killerhogs.com
A few weeks ago I decided to shoot a few videos about the “behind the scenes” at Memphis In May World Championship BBQ Contest. And with all the changes going on this year, it’s definitely going to be a different experience than we have ever had before.
I just shot the first video this past Saturday when we were loading in our trailers and smokers. The video is a little shaky, but it gives you a good look at the load-in on Saturday.
Memphis In May Load-In – Killer Hogs BBQ Team
We still have a lot to do and a long way to go. we have to get our fencing up, tables, chairs… lots of supplies to buy… and a lot of cooking left to do.
Wish us good luck… we want to win so bad we can taste it!
Malcom Reed
Killer Hogs BBQ Team
Email me at Malcom@killerhogs.com
As you all know… this weekend is the big time… the wold championships… Memphis In May.
And on top of everything we got going on, we are going to do a Live Webcast on Friday with Grilling with Rich. He is going to interview us, get a tour of our booth and check-out our smokers, and probably try some of our great BBQ.
Visit this link right now for more information…
This live webcast is THIS FRIDAY @1:15PM CST time check it out!
Malcom Reed
Killer Hogs BBQ Team
Email me at Malcom@killerhogs.com
these post are from Malcom Reeds blog, How to BBQ right.
killer hogs. watch all his killer hogs youtube vids for great bbq cooking info. sr
Memphis In May BBQ Contest Moved

The Mississippi River is now set to crest at 48 feet which has raised concerns about flooding in the park.
The BBQ contest is set to run May 12-14.
It's not clear if the move will affect th e elaborate tents and displays set up by teams or the numer of teams allowed to participate.
"While we regret having to move away from the ambiance of the Mississippi River location, the safety of the event, our guests from around the world, and the competition that crowns the World Champion, are our priorities right now," said James L. Holt, President and CEO of Memphis in May. "This renowned competition will continue with its significance to the city and to the rest of the world by moving the event this year. We feel the competing teams, the judges, the visit ors and the city will not only embrace the decision to move, but also celebrate Memphis as the City that Can. We can't defeat the rising waters, but we can rise above this, pull together and put on another world class competition".

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