Saturday, September 28, 2019
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Episode #7 "Beard Bros Vodcast". Sexuality and Women in the Cigar Industry...
Thank you Brad for the screenshot. ha
Tonight's guest: Jessica from Cigar Prop, and mR Chief Stephen Finley.
Chemistry was at an all time high and hopefully Jess and Stephen will return as regulars. Sensitive subject matter can be tricky, and taking it online can be a challenge. The honesty and integrity we got tonight from these four was mesmerizing. A connection was made between myself and the show that I was not expecting. Thank you Lord that I didn't miss tonight's vodcast. Made me feel so good.*
Yes Kevin you should have knocked the spatula out of his hand.
*smokinronnie's two cents
Monday, September 23, 2019
Rubino Rossi iz In and it iz On... Day 1 pipe smoking.
Davidoff in first.
Big Dog John Lofland of #YTPC got me going with his kikass YouTube videos. He is the MaN. His YouTube page link is down below. Please subscribe to his channel.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Episode #6 "Beard Bros Vodcast". Sexism and ManTalk.
Guest on tonight's online show were awesomely captivating. Once the "Cigar Obsession" elephant in the room was addressed, the show moved on to meaningful topics. Erica Arroyo and Mr. Vik, aka High Desert MaN, stole the show with attention grabbing empathetic and spiritual content. Number count of online listeners never dropped throughout the entire two-hour broadcast. Brad and Kevin are defiantly finding there niche as vodcast host. Simply put episode #6 was the bomb.*
*smokinronnie's two cents.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Episode #5 "Beard Bros Vodcast". Butthurt, Birthdays and Hate.
Other than all the "hate" talk, this cigar vodcast is turning into one of the best Live shows on the web. Episode 5 was highly entertaining, "Bob the Cigar Guy", and very cigar informative, "Ellory Wells and Kerr Viajante".*
*smokinronnie's two cents.