Sunday, January 26, 2014


I know that these have been done and redone in the forum but I thought I would write down a detailed account of how to make these. Also, I was playing around with my new Hi Res camera.

Keep in mind that different people put different things in their personal verisons of ABT's

The Basics of ABT's

ABT's or Atomic Buffalo Turds as they are also known are considered BBQ Crack in the barbecuing world. They have received this dubious title because they are addicting. If you put a tray of these out at your next party, don't think that there will be any left when you return because your guest will eat these as fast as they are made.

ABT's are easy to make and very tough to put down. Now personally, I am not a big jalapeno fan. However, when you de-vein and smoke a jalapeno, most of the heat normally associated with the pepper is gone. What is left is a very rich flavor in a small little package. Every bite in an ABT is a symphony of flavors in your mouth. You start with the smoked bacon flavor; move to the jalapeno, then to the cream cheese / onion and finish up with a cheddar flavored smoked sausage.

Here is a list of ingredients to make approximately 20 ABT's.

20 Fresh Jalapenos (Pick the straighter ones when you choose)
20 Cheddar Little Smokies (1 package contains approximately 36 sausages)
1 Pkg. Cream Cheese (8 oz.)
2 Lbs. Bacon or 1 strip per ABT
1/8 Med. Mexican Sweet Onion (Diced)
1 Tblspn. Turbinado Sugar

Start by putting on cellophane or latex gloves. The juices from the jalapenos are very potent and will still be in your skin days after you handle them without gloves.

Using a sharp knife, remove the stem end of the jalapeno.

You will notice that the inside of the pepper not only has seeds, but also a membrane (called the vein) that acts as internal support for the pepper.

To get to the seeds and vein, slice the pepper lengthwise to the end.

Make sure that you keep track of both sides of the pepper, you will want to mate both sides again after they are stuffed.

As you can see, the vein and seeds remain intact. You will need to remove both before you proceed. While there are tools for this, I find a tea spoon to be quite effective in removing both.

Once the insides are clean, you are ready to fill the ABT's with cheese and sausage.

Inside this batch I am going to add 1 tablespoon of turbinado sugar and 1/8 of a finely diced, medium size, Mexican Sweet onion to take a bit of the bite off the pepper and add another layer of flavor.

Once you have mixed your onion, sugar and cream cheese together into a paste, spread a small amount into each shell of the pepper.

Next, place one smokie in each pair of peppers. *** some people like to just do of a smokie with a slice of bacon, the choice is yours.

With the smokies inserted in the ABT's, sandwich the smokie in between both sides of the pepper and wrap tightly with to 1 full piece of bacon.

After the ABT has been wrapped, place 2 toothpicks through the ABT. Make sure you hit both the pepper and smokie to secure the bacon on the ABT.

Place the ABT's on a preheated smoker at 250 degrees and cook for approximately 2 hours until done.

Don't worry about the cream cheese coming out of the ABT. The smoke forms a skin that acts as a temporary plug in the pepper.

When the pepper is done, remove from the smoker and stand back. Some people try to remove the toothpicks from the ABT's but I don't. I find that they act as a handle and keep the sausage from squirting out with the cheese when you bite into one.

As you can see, the cheese is still creamy in the center. Two of these prior to a meal is a great way to prepare your guest for the main course. The problem is that many guests can't stop at two! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

@Sochi2014 @koffboy @boundangels @spcaoftexas @chrisntoovi @Eims4gsds

In Sochi, vytravili of all stray dogs to the city was cleaner and prettier for the Olympics. [Nervous not view]

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @TrueCueBBQ

   I will proclaim the difference between True ‘Cue and faux ‘cue, the former being sublime and the latter merely roasted meat.
   I will remember and remind others that the making of True ‘Cue requires taste, tradition, and a sense of place.
   I will patronize purveyors of Real Barbecue, slow-cooked with wood or wood coals, and I will encourage others to do the same.
   I will seek out and celebrate those old-school pitmasters who cook solely with wood or wood coals.
   I will keep the Faith. I will not eat meat cooked only with gas or electricity and mislabeled “barbecue,” except when courtesy requires it.
   If compelled by circumstance to eat at an establishment serving such faux ‘cue, I will politely call attention to the lack of holy smoke by issuing an online review, letter to the editor, tweet, telegram, Facebook status update, smoke signal, or other ancient or modern form of public communication.
   I will educate friends and strangers alike about, and tell them about The Campaign for Real Barbecue.
   Even in the face of ignorance, indifference, and bland meat, I will not despair, confident that Real Barbecue shall not perish from the earth.
Robert Ronald Halcomb
a.k.a.  Smokin Ronnie 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Above the Line Thinking...

  “I clearly see the obstacles ahead, and I’m addressing them with open eyes.  I’m accountable for my life and my career, and I have what it takes to navigate through this successfully.  If I fail, I’ll still wake up tomorrow exactly who I am, and will have learned something critical.”

  It’s critical to take bold action toward your visions, in order to create success.  Successful people develop huge goals too, but they crush them down into smaller, digestible (but courageous) action steps that they then build on, which leads naturally to the end goal they’re pursuing.

  Successful people are in touch with their power, and are not afraid to use it and express it.  They advocate and negotiate strongly for themselves and for others, and for what they care about, and don’t shy away from articulating just how they stand apart from the competition.  They know how they contribute uniquely and the value they bring to the table.   In addition, they don’t wait to bring up concerns – they tackle challenges head on, speaking about them openly, with calm, poise and grace.  They don’t hide from their problems.  And they don’t perceive themselves as hapless victims.

  Successful people don’t break themselves against what is or drown in the changing tides.  They go with the flow.  They follow the trends, and embrace them.  They are flexible, fluid and nimble.  They react to what’s in front of them, and improvise deftly.   Those who are unsuccessful bemoan what is appearing before them, and stay stuck in the past or in what they “expected,” complaining about how life is not what it should be and why what is feels so wrong.

  Successful people know what matters most to them – their priorities, values, concerns, and their mission and purpose.  They don’t float aimlessly on a sea of possibility – they are masters of their own ship and know where they want to head, and make bold moves in the direction of their dreams.  To do this, they are very clear about their top priorities in life and work, and won’t be waylaid by the priorities and values of others.  In short, they have very well-defined boundaries, and know where they end and others begin.  They say “no” to endeavors and behaviors (and thinking) that will push them off track.  They know what they want to create and the legacy they want to leave behind in this lifetime, and honor that each day.

  Successful professionals are respectful, resourceful, curious, competent, tenacious, and they figure out how to get the help they need without asking for handouts.  That doesn’t mean they don’t seek assistance when and where they need it , or make use of the many free resources available to them.   It means that they don’t expect something for nothing.  They treat others equitably and fairly and know they deserve the same.  Successful professionals realize that if they’re not willing to pay for products and services they want, then others won’t be willing to pay them (yes, it works like karma). 
They also know that their success is directly proportionate to the effort the put into it.  Most of all, they understand there are no short cuts or easy answers on the road to success.

"The Sorkin Method" Brisket Slicing...

In the photos below, Sorkin demonstrates how he slices brisket.
separating the flat
Start by separating the thin part of the flat and set it aside for chopping, not slicing.
slicing the flat part of barbecue brisket
Then slice the thick center part of the flat across the grain until you encounter the point muscle on top of the flat. In the photo above he is within one or two slices from hitting the point. These are the slices that most competitors use because they produce a visually pleasing presentation of nearly identical slices.
removint the fat
He then goes into the layer of fat between the point and flat at the thick but end and removes much of the fat. It can be 1/2" thick or more in there and that makes the slices inedible.
splitting the point
The remaining hunk has both muscles, the point sitting on top of the flat, with the grain going in different directions. He slices this hunk in half.
halved barbecue brisket
The right section is a butt end with one cut edge. The left section, from the middle of the brisket, has two cut edges.
slicing the point
Slice the center section as shown, from the outer edge in.
slicing the point of barbecue brisket
Slice the remaining butt end of the point in the same direction as you cut the flat, continuing to cut parallel to the cut end.
brisket sandwich
Sorkin then fans the slices on a bun. Notice the line separating flat and point.
chopped brisket
Thin parts of the flat, which can be drier, are chopped and some of the fat from between the point and flat is mixed in for moisture. The results are crunchy, heavily seasoned, and juicy. They can also be splashed with sauce, and served on a bun.